News Games 05-13-2024 at 09:47 comment views icon

Phil Spencer completed the quest «Officer on Deck» in Fallout 76 — and is preparing a nuclear response for the destroyed settlement in the game

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Phil Spencer completed the quest «Officer on Deck» in Fallout 76 — and is preparing a nuclear response for the destroyed settlement in the game

A player in Fallout 76 destroyed the camp of the head of Microsoft Gaming with a nuclear explosion after the closure of several game studios, and Phil Spencer seems to be looking to strike back. Spencer is an active player, and he won’t let himself be bombed for nothing: he reportedly completed the necessary quest to get revenge on the offender.

The quest «Officer on Deck» is required to gain access to a nuclear weapon that can be directed to a selected location on the map. This is one of the last quests in the main storyline, and you need to do a lot to get to it. The passage clearly indicates Phil’s intention to take revenge, so @real1090jake can feel free to get excited.

In the meantime, Fallout 76 players are going to continue destroying Phil Spencer’s camp. His gaming nickname P3 is well known, he even tweeted that it was a nickname from his youth. After Microsoft started closing studios, many players blamed the CEO for this decision. When Spencer’s camp was destroyed, they celebrated, and some are trying to do it again.

To launch nuclear weapons in Fallout 76, you need to find fragments of the nuclear bunker code that are randomly generated. Players then need to gain access to the bunkers, which is very difficult because only high-ranking generals can use the elevator to the storage facility. The third component is to find a way to the control room, overcoming strong resistance.

However, it is not known for certain whether the closure of the studios was Phil Spencer’s decision. It is also interesting that the initial attack was not launched because of the closure of the studios. The player said that he had been planning to do this for weeks, but the timing of his act inspired frustrated fans to continue the attack in protest.

Sources: GameRant, ComicBook

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