News Devices 07-31-2024 at 11:47 comment views icon

Samsung Galaxy Flip has become a body-worn camera for the US police — the experience will be extended to 5 states

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Samsung Galaxy Flip has become a body-worn camera for the US police — the experience will be extended to 5 states

Samsung talks about the use of Galaxy Flip smartphones by law enforcement agencies as body cameras. The introduction of the sophisticated mobile devices was part of a pilot program at the Kimberling and Indian Point police departments two years ago to test how electronics can improve daily operations.

According to Samsung, this is the first time a sophisticated device has been used by police as a body camera. After the pilot program, two other police departments agreed to use the Flip as a body camera. The solutions from these pilot tests will also be rolled out to 25 departments in five states.

Smartphones Samsung Galaxy Flip were customized in collaboration with Visual Labs, a company that repurposes mobile devices for use as body-worn and dashboard cameras. According to Samsung, the changes, such as reconfiguring the volume button to start the camera, were intended to make video recording easier and faster in the field.

«The Galaxy Flip additionally functions as a digital camera for filming evidence at the crime scene, a voice recorder for interviewing witnesses, and a personnel tag for tracking the officer’s location using GPS».

The smartphone, of course, also allows you to make calls, send emails and text messages. It can support other functions, such as computer dispatch, queries to criminal justice databases, and even push-to-talk radio mode, which will greatly assist in operational work.

Sources: Samsung, Engadget

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