News Movie 07-21-2024 at 20:23 comment views icon

«The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum» — Elijah Wood talks about returning to the role of Frodo

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Andrii Rusanov

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«The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum» — Elijah Wood talks about returning to the role of Frodo

Elijah Wood, who plays Frodo Baggins in Peter Jackson’s «Lord of the Rings» trilogy, has revealed whether he is ready to appear in movie «Hunting for Golum» Andy Serkis.

In an interview, Elijah Wood says he’s ready to reprise his role as Frodo in «The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum». Although it’s too early to say anything given the initial state of the movie’s development, Wood seems to be very enthusiastic about the idea:

«It would be incredible. I have to say that any kind of return to New Zealand to work with these people in the context of that world would be… a leap back into a world that is so beloved and that means so much to me. Yeah, it would be great».

Although no official information about «The Hunt for Gollum» has been released yet, the film’s title suggests that the movie will take place before, or even during, the events of «The Fellowship of the Ring», Jackson’s first Middle Earth movie. In his novel, Tolkien tells us that after Frodo receives the Ring (but before he meets Aragorn), Gandalf and Aragorn hunt Gollum. The time of the story opens a window of opportunity for familiar characters to appear in the new movie.

It would certainly be interesting to see the return of the original «Lord of the Rings» actors, but such a return also comes with some potential problems. The most obvious of these is the age and appropriate appearance of the actors. Viggo Mortensen is now 65 years old Gandalf, Ian McKellen is now 85.

Reducing aging can help some of the «actors to get younger», but this technology can be extremely expensive and not always convincing. However, the above three have already expressed a willingness to return, if appropriate.

Source: JoBlo

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