News Movie 07-16-2024 at 15:16 comment views icon

Marvel boss: «Superheroics — not our genre, we just make entertaining movies»

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

Marvel boss: «Superheroics — not our genre, we just make entertaining movies»

What was everyone tired of then?

Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige in an interview Deadline said that he had never perceived superheroics as an independent genre, instead the studio simply focused on creating entertaining films.

«I’ve never believed in superhero movies as a genre in their own right. We make different types of movies… It’s about making exciting, entertaining movies that you want to see in a theater, with a crowd,» Faigi added.

Perhaps Faigi decided to get rid of the term «superheroine», given its constant presence in media texts alongside the words «Marvel» and «fatigue».

The once-reliable cinematic universe has recently weakened its position — 2023 was marked by only one successful launch («Guardians of the Galaxy 3»), while the rest of the titles broke records for unpopularity (the movie «Marvel» secured the title of the MCU movie with the worst box office in history).

The studio began to urgently look for ways to overcome the crisis — and amid discussions (which even included a potential return of the original cast «Avengers») came to a decision release «only 2-3 films per year»to overcome the same superhero fatigue. By the way, the directors of «Avengers», the Russo brothers, have previously stated that they do not believe in it, and that all the studio’s problems arise from through «generational change».

Nevertheless, this year Marvel has even deviated from its plan — and will release only one movie, «Deadpool and Wolverine», which is currently being promoted by a powerful advertising campaign. Potentially, — with plans to become the highest-grossing movie of 2024 (previously the bar was set by «Dune: Part Two», but it was by a wide margin ahead of the cartoon «Thoughts inside out 2»).

In the same interview with Deadline, the Marvel boss called «Deadpool and Wolverine» the most useful R-rated movie:

«This is truly a celebration of friendship and family. Despite all the R-rated obscenities that attract attention. When people see the movie, they will realize how sincere it is — in my opinion, much more so than the first two Deadpool movies».

Feige also announced a huge number of cameos for the movie. As a reminder, «Deadpool and Wolverine» will be released in Ukrainian cinemas on July 25.

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