Dbrand failed to fix the Ghost Case — it will ship Ghost 2.0 in the summer

News Devices 03-28-2024 at 16:04 comment
Dbrand is canceling plans to fix problems with its Ghost Case. As it turned out, it scratches very easily, and last November the company promised to provide a free replacement with a scratch-resistant coating. But now Dbrand is telling customers via email that they will have to wait. According to the company, most of their production run turned out…

Consumers have called Apple’s FineWoven cases «trash», they’re flaky and delaminate

News Devices 02-27-2024 at 10:32 comment
Apple announced new FineWoven covers during the announcement of the line iPhone 15However, since then they have received a lot of complaints. Almost immediately, the covers, which are 68% made from recycled materials, began to be sold at a discount. Now a new wave of user criticism.

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