
«Synthesis» Eliel Drake: post-apocalyptic cyberpunk from the Ukrainian author

Ukrainian fiction is alive and well and continues to grow. More and more new publishing houses and books are appearing,…


«Agent to the Stars» John Scalzi: a book about first contact with aliens and love of cinema

We recently wrote about the cycle of «War of the old man» by the American writer John Scalzi. He has…


«Stone of Farewell» Ted Williams: a vivid continuation of the cult epic fantasy

We have already talked about «The Dragonbone Chair» — the first part of the cult saga «Memory, Grief, and Thorns»…


«Alien Oceans: The Search for Life in the Depths of Space» Kevin Peter Hand: a book about the difficulties of searching for extraterrestrial life

The Book Club welcomes readers and fans of literature once again. Today, we are not talking about «fiction» —…


«I Am Legend» Richard Matheson. The cult post-apocalyptic novel about vampires

The fantasy genre of vampires, zombies, and apocalypse has been around for a long time, both in cinema and literature.…


«Babel, or the Necessity of Violence» Rebecca Kwan: an alternative history fantasy about the power of words and the importance of language

Chinese-American writer Rebecca Kwan first made a splash with her fantasy trilogy «Poppy War», which won several prestigious literary awards…


PocketBook InkPad Color 3 review: a color screen reader for reading books, magazines, and drawings

After the release of the 7.8-inch reader PocketBook InkPad 4 PocketBook has introduced another model in a similar format, but…


MAL’OPUS offers an updated Ukrainian-language cookbook based on the «Witcher» universe, created in collaboration with CD PROJECT RED

MAL'OPUS Publishing House presents an updated edition of the «Witcher» cookbook with official terminology from CD PROJECT RED. The book…


«Chaos Walking» Patrick Ness: colonial sci-fi post-apocalypse on a distant planet

The British writer Patrick Ness is not very well known in Ukraine. At home, he is the winner of many…


«Holly» Stephen King: the king is back

The publishing house «KSD» has released a new novel by the cult American writer Stephen King «Holly». This is a…


«Atoms and Ashes: A Global History of Nuclear Disasters»: Can Nuclear Accidents Happen Again?

On this day, 38 years ago, an accident occurred at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It…


Team communication: books and podcasts advised by HR specialists from SKELAR, Ciklum, and more

Even good specialists may not perform at 100% if they have problems with colleagues or managers. And here we are…


«Palimpsest» Charles Stross: a collection in the style of the «Golden Age of Fantasy» from the winner of the «Hugo» and «Locus»

Short story collections are a dead format. This is not only my opinion, because Charles Stross himself writes the same…


Scrum, «Deadline», and Kaizen Hub. What are the best books, podcasts, and YouTube channels about management

Nowadays, you can use open information on the Internet to learn a profession and develop your skills. You can find…


«The Wise Man’s Fear» Patrick Rothfuss: the best fantasy? has already published review The book «The Name of the Wind» — is the first volume of the popular…


«How to stuff a viper with bacon», «Emotional Intelligence» and other books recommended by PR specialists

Today, there is a wide range of tools for professional development, from podcasts to social media communities. However, books still…


«The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything»: A Handbook for Gamers and Technology Fans

I can't say that I was intentionally searching for a book about the Metaverse, but it found me on the…


«What’s Cooking in the Kremlin»: Culinary Nonfiction about Violence, Food, and Hunger has already published materials about cookbooks The Elder Scrolls or byuniverse «Harry Potter». And soon there will be books…


What is read in Ukrainian IT. A selection of books from GlobalLogic, SoftServe, and other’s employees

Books are still a source of new knowledge and inspiration, although today there are many tools for professional and personal…


Trilogy «Remembrance of Earth’s Past» Liu Cixin: a cult series about the war between humanity and aliens

On March 21, Netflix premiered the sci-fi series «The Three-Body Problem». This is an adaptation of the first novel of…


Skandar Series by A.F. Steadman: a fantasy series about teenagers and bloodthirsty flying unicorns

The book industry never stops looking for the next J.K. Rowling. Young authors often receive six-figure advances for their future…


«Power Play game: Tesla, Elon Musk, and the Bet of the Century»: the startup that created the world’s most popular electric cars

More and more Ukrainians are turning away from the name — Elon Musk. The man at the helm of the…


«Flights of Fancy. The Biology and Technology of Flight» by Richard Dawkins: Natural and Man-Made Ways to Defy Gravity

Today we are going to review the latest book by Richard Dawkins — a well-known evolutionary biologist and popularizer of…


Amazon and the future of e-commerce: how the online bookstore has become a titan of the 21st century

The ITC Book Club is back with you. Today, we are not talking about fiction, pictures or fantasy, but about…
