«Avengers 5» by Marvel — Benedict Cumberbatch hinted that Dr. Strange will return

News Movie 06-23-2024 at 13:48 comment
Benedict Cumberbatch has hinted at details about Dr. Strange’s participation in the upcoming «Avengers» Marvel movie. During an interview with Netflix, the actor mentioned that his character could participate in «Avengers 5» in a certain capacity.

«Avengers 5» will bring back 60+ Marvel characters — probably with the director of «Deadpool and Wolverine» on board

News Movie 06-05-2024 at 11:55 comment
Sean Levy is going to save the Marvel Cinematic Universe — first with «Deadpool and Wolverine»and then (potentially) as the director of the next «Avengers».

Robert Downey Jr. says he would «love to» return to Marvel movies: «It’s part of my DNA»

News Movie 04-09-2024 at 13:51 comment
The actor began his career in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2008 and played the role of Iron Man for the next 11 years — until «The Avengers» 2019.

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