Alternative «Dune» — second presentation of Dune: Awakening Direct reveals new gameplay details

Games News 06-21-2024 at 21:05 comment
At the second presentation of Dune: Awakening Direct, Funcom presented a new look at Dune: Awakening, an open-world survival game «Dune» for many users. The video offers 30 minutes of interviews with the developers, game footage, and some gameplay details.

«Dune»: Dune Awakening MMO takes place in a world where Paul Atreides was never born — trailer tells about the game’s broadcast on June 20

News Games 06-08-2024 at 21:54 comment
The survival MMO Dune Awakening turned out to be a game in the alternative history of the world «Dune». In this story, Paul Atreides was not born and all further events were radically different.

Dune: Awakening is a new gameplay trailer for an MMO survival game set in the «Dune*] universe

News Games 03-05-2024 at 09:26 comment
Almost simultaneously with the release of the movie «Dune: Part Two», Funcom shared additional details and a new trailer for Dune: Awakening. This is a survival MMO set in the «Dune» universe on the planet Arakis.

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