
«No need to waste time on TCC». New features have been announced in «Reserve+»

The application for registering persons liable for military service «Reserve+» will have new features, including the ability to make requests…


Reserve+ has been updated: military registration document with QR code and online data correction without a visit to the TCC

As of today, the Reserve+ app now has an electronic military registration document that has the same legal force as…


«Disaster without legal consequences»: cybersecurity expert criticizes «Reserve+»

Cybersecurity expert Kostiantyn Korsun believes that the «Reserve+» app has a number of significant drawbacks in terms of personal data…


The Ministry of Defense announced the cost of development «Reserve+»: it is money from a charitable foundation

Several teams worked on the «Reserve+» app, and $86,000 for development came from a charity fund. About it said Deputy…


It is used even in the Antarctic: there are already 1 million successful authorizations in Reserve+

The Reserve+ app, which allows people liable for military service to update their personal information, has already counted about 1…


Reserve+ del Ministerio de Defensa: 250k registros en 1,5 días, disponibilidad en 176 países y «ninguna citación electrónica todavía.

El segundo día de trabajo en de la aplicación del Ministerio de Defensa más de 246 mil ciudadanos actualizaron sus…


Reserve+ from the Ministry of Defense: 250 thousand registrations in 1.5 days, availability in 176 countries and «yet» no e-subpoenas

On the second day of work at application of the Ministry of Defense more than 246 thousand citizens updated their…


150.000 ucranianos se registraron en la app Reserve+ en 10 horas — pero hubo algunos fallos

De la noche a la mañana, la App Store y Google Play han lanzado aplicación móvil del Ministerio de Defensadonde…


150,000 Ukrainians registered in the Reserve+ app in 10 hours — but there were some glitches

Overnight, the App Store and Google Play have launched mobile application of the Ministry of Defensewhere persons liable for military…


The Ministry of Defense launches Reserve+ application for persons liable for military service — in the App Store and Google Play on May 18

On May 18, the following will come into force in Ukraine updated Law on mobilization — from that day on,…
