Trained on «Xi Jinping’s opinion». China launches new chatbot — with artificial «communist» intelligence

News Software 05-22-2024 at 13:10 comment
The large language model was trained on the Chinese leader’s political philosophy known as «Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism», as well as other official literature provided by the Cyberspace Administration of China.

A chatbot for spies: Microsoft launches artificial intelligence model without an Internet connection

News Software 05-08-2024 at 13:38 comment
Microsoft has created a generative artificial intelligence model based on GPT-4, designed specifically for the US intelligence services. It works without an Internet connection.

Meet MAI-1: Microsoft’s new 500 billion-parameter AI model that aims to «beat» GPT

News Software 05-07-2024 at 09:22 comment
Microsoft seems to be working on its own large language model, which will potentially become a major competitor for AI Google, Anthropic і OpenAI — despite the fact that the corporation itself invested $10 billion from the developer ChatGPT and received the priority right to use its products.

Anthropic has launched a mobile app with Claude chatbot — only on iOS for now (Android version coming soon»)

News Software 05-02-2024 at 11:04 comment
The main competitor ChatGPT was previously available on Anthropic website and in third-party libraries such as Amazon Bedrock, Hugging Face, or Microsoft Azure — and now has a separate mobile app.

Telegram blocked «єВорог» and other Ukrainian military bots — only Russian fakes work

News Military Tech 04-29-2024 at 09:26 comment
Telegram blocked Ukrainian military bots for data collection. About this, in particular, reports The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine on its official Telegram channel. The GUR has lost its «Main Intelligence Bot», and «eVorog» the Ministry of Digital Transformation, «Stop russian war bot» the SBU, and others, including the «Shahedov»…

«Dead bots» — a creepy new AI business that helps Chinese people survive the death of their loved ones

News Technologies 04-22-2024 at 11:03 comment
A somewhat creepy Chinese trend involves creating avatars of deceased relatives to communicate with them even after death and make it easier to survive the loss of a loved one.

Google has allocated 700 thousand euros to Ukraine to study the basics of artificial intelligence

News Ukraine 04-18-2024 at 12:35 comment
In February, Google released Gemma open-source language models and at the same time launched a special educational fund worth 25 million euros to teach Europeans about this very artificial intelligence. And now the program has become available for Ukraine.

ChatGPT writes songs for Indian movies — and is credited in the credits

News Technologies 04-10-2024 at 10:28 comment
OpenAI chatbot starts its career in Bollywood — ChatGPT was spotted in the credits of an Indian TV series as part of the music team, according to posts users on Reddit. More specifically, he is referred to as «songwriter».

Google gives Gemini 1.5 Pro «ears» and launches Vertex AI bot builder

News Software 04-09-2024 at 17:35 comment
According to the announcement at the Google Next event, from now on Gemini 1.5 Pro will hear its users — in practice, the model will be able to listen to uploaded audio files or extract information from calls and videos without the need to download transcripts.

Musk predicted the emergence of an AGI smarter than the smartest person in two years and called Chinese automakers «the most competitive»

News Technologies 04-09-2024 at 09:51 comment
At the end of 2023, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang predictedthat artificial intelligence will be able to compete with humans in 5 years. And now Elon Musk, known for his «very accurate predictions» has shared his own assessment — the owner of Tesla and SpaceX expects a full-fledged AGIsmarter than the smartest person next year or by 2026 at the…

ChatGPT can now be used without an account

News Software 04-02-2024 at 09:27 comment
OpenAI has started to open up access to ChatGPT to users without an account. The company described the move as part of its mission «to make tools like ChatGPT widely available so that people can experience the benefits of AI».

GPT Store «deflated»? In February, customized chatbots accounted for 1.5% of visits to the ChatGPT website

News Software 03-28-2024 at 15:41 comment
OpenAI expected personalized chatbots to boost its business, but recent data shows that few people are interested in them.

Elon Musk «declassified» the source code of his chatbot Grok — without training data yet

News Software 03-18-2024 at 08:48 comment
From now on, developers and researchers will be able to use the architecture on which Grok operates in their own projects.

ChatGPT can now read responses to you — in 37 languages (including Ukrainian)

News Technologies 03-05-2024 at 09:35 comment
ChatGPT voice responses can be activated by clicking the Read Aloud button (the speaker icon in the chat) — the feature is already available in the mobile and web versions for GPT-4 and GPT-3.5.

Copilot bug in Edge: in response to the question “What do you mean”, the chatbot talked about Mount Everest in English

News Software 02-21-2024 at 08:30 comment
Users Reddit have noticed a strange glitch in Bing chat that can be triggered by the phrase «What do you mean» (“What do you mean” in English). In response to this phrase, Copilot talks about Mount Everest.

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