News Software 05-13-2024 at 22:18 comment views icon

OpenAI introduces GPT-4o: GPT-4 level, incredible voice and vision capabilities — for free

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

OpenAI introduces GPT-4o: GPT-4 level, incredible voice and vision capabilities — for free

OpenAI has introduced the GPT-4o artificial intelligence language model. The company claims that the model will work just like GPT-4but much faster. The GPT-4o also received a new voice mode technology for direct communication with ChatGPT. OpenAI has always wanted to make a voice conversation with ChatGPT similar to a conversation with a real person, but the delay in response spoiled the immersion. The company has implemented technologies in GPT-4o to make communication with the chatbot as natural as possible.

OpenAI demonstrated a conversation with GPT-4o using voice. GPT-4o not only responded almost instantly when the speaker finished speaking. The AI also responded by converting text to speech with a full sense of real-time communication.

In another demonstration, GPT-4o told a bedtime story with the prompt «work and love». In the middle of the story, Mark from OpenAI intervened and asked GPT-4o to correct the emotions. GPT-4o changed its voice depending on the questions, from a dramatic performance to a cold, robotic tone. Eventually, GPT-4o even sang.

In the next demonstration, an equation was written on paper and shown to GPT-4o through the phone’s camera. GPT-4o was asked to help solve it, but not to give the answer right away. The AI guided the demonstrator through the process of solving the equation, just as a math teacher would. It even answered a common question: «When can I use this in real life?».

OpenAI представила GPT-4o

The GPT-4o was also used to check the code. The model was able not only to explain what the code was doing, but also to tell what would happen if certain parts of it were changed. The demonstration also showed that the GPT-4o can act as a voice translator between two people speaking different languages.

Usually, when OpenAI announces a new version of its ChatGPT model, it is limited to paid access. However, the company has decided to allow everyone to use this new technology, although paid users will have many more options. The new technology will be rolled out in the next few weeks. The ChatGPT desktop application with voice and visual capabilities will be rolled out soon.

Source: XDA

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